import d3 from './CustomD3';
import {TextBox as d3PlusTextBox} from 'd3plus-text';
import BaseTree from './BaseTree';
import BoxedNodeSettings from './BoxedNodeSettings';
class BoxedTree extends BaseTree{
* @param {object} options The options object.
* @param {bodyDisplayTextAccessorCallBack} options.getBodyDisplayText Determines how to obtain the body text to display for a node corresponding to a data item.
* @param {titleDisplayTextAccessorCallBack} options.getTitleDisplayText Determines how to obtain the title text to display for a node corresponding to a data item.
constructor(options) {
var mergedOptions = {
this._getBodyDisplayText = mergedOptions.getBodyDisplayText;
this._getTitleDisplayText = mergedOptions.getTitleDisplayText;
this.nodeSettings = new BoxedNodeSettings(this, mergedOptions.nodeSettings);
/** @inheritdoc */
initialize() {
// Create the svg, and set its dimensions
this.getSvg().classed('boxed-tree', true);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_nodeEnter(nodeEnter, nodes) {
var self = this;
// Declare box dimensions
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = self.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = self.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
var nodeBodyBoxPadding = self.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxPadding();
var nodeTitleBoxWidth = self.nodeSettings.getTitleBoxWidth();
var nodeTitleBoxHeight = self.nodeSettings.getTitleBoxHeight();
var nodeTitleBoxPadding = self.nodeSettings.getTitleBoxPadding();
/* Add Body Rectangle and Text for Node */
var bodyGroups = nodeEnter.append("g")
.classed("body-group", true);
.classed("body-box", true)
.attr("width", 0.000001)
.attr("height", 0.000001);
bodyGroups.each(function(data, index, arr) {
var element = this;
var selection = d3.select(element);
var singledOutData = [];
var recalculatedPaddingTop = nodeBodyBoxPadding.top;
if (self.getTitleDisplayText.call(self, data))
recalculatedPaddingTop += nodeTitleBoxHeight / 2;
// D3Plus Textbox with resizing capability
var d3PlusBodyTextBox = new d3PlusTextBox()
.select(element) // Sets the D3Plus code to append to the specified DOM element.
.text((data, index, arr) => {
return self.getBodyDisplayText.call(self, data);
.fontSize(13) // in pixels
.y(recalculatedPaddingTop - nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2)
.width(nodeBodyBoxWidth - nodeBodyBoxPadding.left - nodeBodyBoxPadding.right)
.height(nodeBodyBoxHeight - recalculatedPaddingTop - nodeBodyBoxPadding.bottom)
.ellipsis((text, line) => {
// If text was cut-off, add tooltip
return ((text.replace(/\.|,$/g, "")) + "...");
/* Add Title Rectangle and Text for Node */
var titleGroups = nodeEnter.append("g")
.classed("title-group", true)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + -nodeTitleBoxWidth / 3 + ", " + (-nodeTitleBoxHeight / 2 - nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2) + ")");
titleGroups.each(function(data, index, arr) {
if (!self.getTitleDisplayText.call(self, data))
var element = this;
var selection = d3.select(element);
var singledOutData = [];
.classed("title-box", true)
.attr("width", nodeTitleBoxWidth)
.attr("height", nodeTitleBoxHeight);
// D3Plus Textbox with resizing capability
var d3PlusTitleTextBox = new d3PlusTextBox()
.select(element) // Sets the D3Plus code to append to the DOM element.
.text((data, index, arr) => {
return self.getTitleDisplayText.call(self, data);
.fontResize(true) // Resizes the text to fit the content
.width(nodeTitleBoxWidth - nodeTitleBoxPadding.left - nodeTitleBoxPadding.right)
.height(nodeTitleBoxHeight - nodeTitleBoxPadding.top - nodeTitleBoxPadding.bottom)
return self;
/** @inheritdoc */
_nodeUpdate(nodeUpdate, nodeUpdateTransition, nodes) {
// Transition to the proper position for the node
// Translating while inverting X/Y to
// make tree direction from left to right,
// instead of the typical top-to-down tree
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
nodeUpdateTransition.attr("transform", (data, index, arr) => "translate(" + data.x + "," + data.y + ")");
nodeUpdateTransition.attr("transform", (data, index, arr) => "translate(" + data.y + "," + data.x + ")");
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
// Update the node attributes and style
nodeUpdate.select(".node .body-group .body-box")
.attr("y", -(nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2))
.attr("width", nodeBodyBoxWidth)
.attr("height", nodeBodyBoxHeight);
.style("fill-opacity", 1);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_nodeExit(nodeExit, nodeExitTransition, nodes) {
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
nodeExitTransition.attr("transform", (data, index, arr) => {
var highestCollapsingParent = data.parent;
while (highestCollapsingParent.parent && !highestCollapsingParent.parent.children) {
highestCollapsingParent = highestCollapsingParent.parent;
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
return "translate(" + (highestCollapsingParent.x + nodeBodyBoxWidth / 2) + "," + (highestCollapsingParent.y + nodeBodyBoxHeight) + ")";
// Translating while inverting X/Y to
// make tree direction from left to right,
// instead of the typical top-to-down tree
return "translate(" + (highestCollapsingParent.y + nodeBodyBoxWidth) + "," + (highestCollapsingParent.x + nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2) + ")";
// On exit animate out
nodeExitTransition.select(".node .body-group rect")
.attr("width", 0.000001)
.attr("height", 0.000001);
nodeExitTransition.select(".node .body-group .d3plus-textBox")
.style("fill-opacity", 0.000001)
.attr("transform", (data, index, arr) => "translate(0," + (-nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2) + ")")
.style("font-size", 0)
.attr("y", "0px")
.attr("x", "0px");
nodeExitTransition.select(".node .title-group")
.attr("transform", "translate(0, " + (-nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2) + ")");
nodeExitTransition.select(".node .title-group rect")
.attr("width", 0.000001)
.attr("height", 0.000001);
nodeExitTransition.select(".node .title-group .d3plus-textBox")
.style("fill-opacity", 0.000001)
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")
.style("font-size", 0)
.attr("y", "0px")
.attr("x", "0px");
// On exit reduce the opacity of text labels
.style("fill-opacity", 0.000001);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_getNodeSize() {
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
return [
this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth() + this.nodeSettings.getHorizontalSpacing(),
this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight() + this.nodeSettings.getVerticalSpacing()
return [
this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight() + this.nodeSettings.getVerticalSpacing(),
this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth() + this.nodeSettings.getHorizontalSpacing()
/** @inheritdoc */
_linkEnter(source, linkEnter, links, linkPathGenerator) {
linkEnter.attr("d", (data, index, arr) => {
var sourceCoordinate = {
x: source.x0,
y: source.y0
var coordinatesObject = {
source: sourceCoordinate,
target: sourceCoordinate
return linkPathGenerator(coordinatesObject);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_linkUpdate(source, linkUpdate, linkUpdateTransition, links, linkPathGenerator) {
linkUpdateTransition.attr("d", (data, index, arr) => {
var sourceCoordinate = data;
var targetCoordinate = data.parent;
var coordinatesObject = {
source: sourceCoordinate,
target: targetCoordinate
return linkPathGenerator(coordinatesObject);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_linkExit(source, linkExit, linkExitTransition, links, linkPathGenerator) {
linkExitTransition.attr("d", (data, index, arr) => {
var highestCollapsingParent = data.parent;
while (highestCollapsingParent.parent && !highestCollapsingParent.parent.children) {
highestCollapsingParent = highestCollapsingParent.parent;
var sourceCoordinate = null;
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
sourceCoordinate = {
x: highestCollapsingParent.x,
y: highestCollapsingParent.y + nodeBodyBoxHeight
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
sourceCoordinate = {
x: highestCollapsingParent.x,
y: highestCollapsingParent.y + nodeBodyBoxWidth
var targetCoordinate = {
x: highestCollapsingParent.x,
y: highestCollapsingParent.y
var coordinatesObject = {
source: sourceCoordinate,
target: targetCoordinate
return linkPathGenerator(coordinatesObject);
return this;
/** @inheritdoc */
_getLinkPathGenerator() {
// Declare box dimensions
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
// We specify arrow functions that returns
// an array specifying how to get the
// the x/y cordinates from the object,
// in the format of [x, y], the default
// format for the link generator to
// generate the path
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
return d3.linkVertical()
.source((data) => [data.source.x + nodeBodyBoxWidth / 2, data.source.y - nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2])
.target((data) => [data.target.x + nodeBodyBoxWidth / 2, data.target.y + nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2]);
return d3.linkHorizontal()
// Inverts the X/Y coordinates to draw links for a
// tree starting from left to right,
// instead of the typical top-to-down tree
.source((data) => [data.source.y, data.source.x])
.target((data) => [data.target.y + nodeBodyBoxWidth, data.target.x]);
/** @inheritdoc */
validateSettings() {
if (!this._getBodyDisplayText)
throw "Need to define the getBodyDisplayText function as part of the options";
return this;
* Sets the body display text accessor,
* used to get the body display text
* for the nodes.
* @param {bodyDisplayTextAccessorCallBack} newBodyDisplayTextAccessor
setBodyDisplayTextAccessor(newBodyDisplayTextAccessor) {
this._getBodyDisplayText = newBodyDisplayTextAccessor;
return this;
* Gets the body display text for a given data item.
* @param {object} nodeDataItem The data item to get the body display text from.
* @returns {string} The body display text to render for the node.
getBodyDisplayText(nodeDataItem) {
// Note that data in this context refers to D3 Tree data, not the original item data
// To Access the original item data, use the ".data" property
return this._getBodyDisplayText(nodeDataItem.data);
* Sets the title display text accessor,
* used to get the title display text
* for the nodes.
* @param {titleDisplayTextAccessorCallBack} newTitleDisplayTextAccessor
setTitleDisplayTextAccessor(newTitleDisplayTextAccessor) {
this._getTitleDisplayText = newTitleDisplayTextAccessor;
return this;
* Gets the title display text for a given data item.
* @param {object} nodeDataItem The D3 node data item to get the title display text from.
* @returns {string} The title display text to render for the node.
getTitleDisplayText(nodeDataItem) {
// Note that data in this context refers to D3 Tree data, not the original item data
// To Access the original item data, use the ".data" property
return this._getTitleDisplayText(nodeDataItem.data);
/** @inheritdoc */
centerNode(nodeDataItem) {
var nodeBodyBoxWidth = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxWidth();
var nodeBodyBoxHeight = this.nodeSettings.getBodyBoxHeight();
if (this.getOrientation().toLowerCase() === 'toptobottom')
nodeDataItem.x0 = nodeDataItem.x0;
nodeDataItem.y0 = nodeDataItem.y0 + nodeBodyBoxHeight / 2;
nodeDataItem.y0 = nodeDataItem.y0 + nodeBodyBoxWidth / 2;
nodeDataItem.x0 = nodeDataItem.x0;
return super.centerNode(nodeDataItem);
* Determines how to obtain the body text
* to display for a node corresponding
* to a data item.
* @callback bodyDisplayTextAccessorCallBack
* @param {object} data The data item to get the body display text from.
* @returns {string} The body display text to render for the node.
* Determines how to obtain the title text
* to display for a node corresponding
* to a data item.
* @callback titleDisplayTextAccessorCallBack
* @param {object} data The data item to get the title display text from.
* @returns {string} The title display text to render for the node.
BoxedTree.defaults = {
getBodyDisplayText: null,
getTitleDisplayText: (dataItem) => {
return null;
export default BoxedTree;