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Static Public Summary

Node click event, triggered when a user clicks on a tree node.

Static Public

public nodeClick: object source

Node click event, triggered when a user clicks on a tree node.


event object

Object containing various event parameters.

event.type string

The type of the operation the click will trigger, whether it's 'focus', 'expand', or 'collapse'.

event.continue boolean

Whether to continue the node focusing/expanding/collapsing.

event.preventDefault function

Call this function to prevent the default behavior of node focusing/expanding/collapsing.

event.nodeDataItem object

Node data item representing the clicked node.

event.nodeDataItem.data object

The data item of the clicked node.

event.nodeDataItemIndex number

Index of the clicked item in the array of siblings.

event.nodeDataItems object[]

The array of sibling rendered SVG elements, inclusive of the node itself.